What Are the Effects of Delta-8 THC Gummies?

As researchers advance in demystifying the human endocannabinoid system (ECS), the interest in hemp-derived ingredients keeps increasing. Delta 8 THC is now a rising star of cannabinoids, with delta 8 THC infused products, including delta 8 THC gummies, becoming a big hit on the market.
Now that delta 8 gummies are everywhere, you may wonder how they’ll make you feel. If so, here’s everything you need to know.
What Are the Effects of Delta 8 Gummies?
Now that you’re about to try your first delta 8 THC gummy, you probably want to know what effects it will produce besides providing you with a flavorful bite.
If you only think of marijuana’s high when you think of THC, you most likely only know about its one type — delta 9 THC. It differs from delta 8 with its chemical structure; therefore, it produces different effects.
Both delta 9 and delta 8 THC deliver their results through interaction with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). These two cannabinoids bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain, nervous system, and immune cells, but delta 8’s different molecular structure causes less psychoactive effects than the famous delta 9 THC.
The primary difference between the effects of the two variants of THC is that delta 8 has lower about 50% less psychoactive potency, which results in a smoother ‘high.’
If you’ve experienced anxiety, rapid heartbeat, or even paranoia after consuming delta 9 THC, these side effects are less likely with delta 8 THC. The latter produces more relaxing and anti-anxiety effects, and you’ll have less psychoactive experience than with delta 9 THC.
The Effects of Delta 8 THC Gummies On the Body
The new famous variant of THC works with your mind and body, and when you feel less anxious and more clear-headed, it’s much easier to notice some of the effects of delta 8 THC.
Delta 8 THC affects the body by interacting with CB2 receptors in the ECS, which exist in the peripheral nervous system and play a crucial role in regulating immune functioning. The interaction with CB2 receptors doesn’t cause psychoactive effects, but rather noticeable outcomes on your body.
Although the cannabinoid’s effects vary across consumers, most commonly, delta 8 THC relaxes the body and muscles; it will most likely stimulate your appetite and even make you feel weightless as if you were floating. Some claim delta 8 THC makes them fall asleep more quickly and sleep through the night.
The Effects of Delta 8 Gummies On the Mind
Although we’ve heard many consumers claiming to be experiencing the same high from delta 8 THC as from delta 9, its effects are notably different.
Delta 8 THC affects the mind by interacting with CB1 receptors in the central nervous system, but to a much lesser degree than delta 9. This minimalizes the common side effects of delta 9 THC, including anxiety, irritability, and paranoia. Therefore, delta 8 THC provides consumers with a relaxing experience while staying focused on their tasks.
Delta 8 in lower doses is more energizing and uplifting, while it’s more sedative in higher doses. In short, if you are wondering whether delta 8 THC will make you high, then yes, it will, but its effects will be milder compared to delta 9 THC.
How Long Do the Effects of Delta 8 Gummies Last?
How long it takes to start experiencing the effects of delta 8 THC and how long they last in the body depend on the product type and consumption methods. Unlike tinctures that may deliver almost immediate results due to the sublingual blood vessels, delta 8 THC infused gummies take longer to kick in, but their effects tend to last longer too.
Edibles like gummies need to go through the digestive tract first before delta 8 THC makes it to your bloodstream, which usually takes 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the consumer’s metabolism and body chemistry. Effects from edibles can last from 3 to 8 hours.
The Effects of Delta 8 Gummies at Different Doses
How delta 8 THC gummies affect your body and mind significantly depends on how much you consume the product. Delta 8 gummies differ in potencies; some might contain 5 mg of delta 8 per piece, while others feature up to 60 mg.
When getting started with delta 8 THC, we recommend starting small and increasing the intake as needed. Just because gummies with 60 mg delta 8 THC will drive more robust results doesn’t mean you’ll have a better and more pleasurable experience, and high doses might cause unwanted side effects.
The breakdown of the possible results per dosage below can help you determine what to expect from your delta 8 THC gummies, depending on the dosage you consume.
Low Dose (Less Than 5 mg): Very Mild Body High
Starting small and gradually increasing the intake of delta 8 THC is the best way to see how it affects your body without experiencing unwanted symptoms. However, you may wonder if such a small amount of the compound will anyhow affect your body and mind.
Although its effects vary, delta 8 THC in low doses will most likely be stimulating and induce more Sativa-like effects. It means you’ll be better focused and might feel a boost of energy and mental clarity. Therefore, delta 8 THC in low doses might be an excellent companion in your studies, work, or any mundane tasks.
Low doses of delta 8 in less than 5 mg won’t cause mind-altering symptoms or common side effects of delta 9 THC.
Standard Dose (10-20 mg): Mildly Psychoactive
10-20 mg is the most common amount amongst delta 8 THC consumers, who are already familiar with its effects and how their bodies respond to the compound.
The standard psychoactive dose will induce a marijuana-like high but with more focus and mental clarity. It will also be more energizing and uplifting; for some, it may help spark creativity. As for the body, it will provide a pleasant, relaxing experience.
The standard psychoactive dose will most likely make you hungry, so have your favorite snacks prepared for your ‘munchies.’
High Dose (20-40 mg): Very Psychoactive & Sedative
High doses of delta 8 THC will work at its full strength, so expect to take off and get high. However, as mentioned earlier, its effects are different from delta 9 THC, so you’ll still not experience common side effects of marijuana, like paranoia or anxiety. Still, we only recommend taking the strongest Delta 8 gummies once you’ve already familiarized yourself with its results on your body and mind.
Delta 8 THC at high doses is more sedating, so if there’s too much on your plate, it’s better to stick with the standard dose, as high amounts of delta 8 THC can make you feel too relaxed to stay focused on your tasks.
Heavy Dose (Over 40 mg): Mind-Altering & Sedative
A heavy dose of delta 8 THC can cause altered perception. You won’t hallucinate but may experience an altered perception of time and suddenly feel like time is moving more slowly than usual.
If you are new to delta 8 THC and are still unfamiliar with its effects, a heavy dose might be too overwhelming for you, and you may feel as if you are losing control over things, or every aspect of life might suddenly seem more dramatic.
As mentioned above, delta 8 THC at higher doses is more sedating and provides Indica-like effects, so we don’t recommend taking a heavy dose when working, studying, or completing different tasks.
Some like to take a high amount of delta 8 THC edibles to relieve pain, but still, it’s better to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase the consumption to see how it affects you.
Are Delta 8 THC Gummies Psychoactive?
Although its effects are milder than from delta 9 THC, delta 8 THC is still psychoactive, and so are delta 8 THC gummies. However, for those consumers who felt overwhelming anxiety and common side effects of delta 9 THC, delta 8 THC gummies may provide a much smoother and enjoyable experience.
What Are the Side Effects of Delta 8 Gummies?
There aren’t many studies that would analyze the safety profile of delta 8. However, potential risks might be involved in taking it. Although there’s less risk of experiencing adverse side effects when consuming delta 8 THC than delta 9 THC when you take it in high doses, there might be unwanted consequences, which commonly include:
- Anxiety
- Increased or slow heart rate
- Low blood pressure
- Dry mouth
- Dry eyes
- Decreased focus
- Feeling too high
- Failed drug test (drug tests look for THC metabolites, and even though delta 8 is different from delta 9, it can still cause test you positive for a drug test)
The best way to avoid the above-listed side effects is to start consuming delta 8 THC in low doses to see how it affects the body, and don’t take more than the recommended doses.
What to Do if I’m Too High on Delta 8 Gummies?
Consuming too much delta 8 THC gummies is not unheard of; the sweet delicious, and savory bites can make everyone feel they need more.
Don’t worry if you suddenly went overboard with delta 8 THC; it can happen to anyone. However, if you are a first-time user, taking too much may suddenly make you feel overwhelmed. You might start worrying about unwanted consequences and get caught up in a stream of negative thoughts. You may even think time is moving slowly or suddenly start worrying about things that never seemed important before.
If the high dose of delta 8 THC has also affected your body, you may have an increased or slow heart rate, amongst other above-listed common side effects. Although now you’ve ended up with a different experience than what you’ve been expecting, the unwanted feelings will soon go away, which usually takes several hours.
If you want to sober up from delta 8 THC gummies faster, here are some tips to help.
Tips on Sobering Up from Being Too High
There are a few ways you can reduce the effects of delta 8, but don’t expect a miracle. Still, here’s how you can make it more manageable.
Talk to Your Friends
If you’ve consumed delta 8 THC in your friends’ company, and they’re still around when you suddenly feel like you are going overboard, make sure to tell them how you’re feeling. There’s no shame in feeling too high, and if unwanted thoughts worsen your anxiety, communicating them with your friends is an excellent way to relax and find support.
Find a Distraction
Sometimes fears and streams of unwanted thoughts fill your head, but overthinking will not improve things. One of the best ways to sober up from being too high from delta 8 THC is to find a distraction so you can disconnect from your fears and unwanted thoughts. It can be anything you find amusing at the moment, like drawing, watching TV, playing games, cooking, etc.
Take CBD
CBD, a famous non-psychoactive hemp-derived compound that is now part of millions of Americans’ routines, can tame the side effects of THC, so it’s an excellent ingredient to pair with your delta 8 THC gummies. Besides, taking CBD and THC together can be more effective than consuming them alone because of the entourage effect.
Delta 8 THC 101
Now that you’re more familiar with its possible effects, you may want to dive deeper into the topic and learn about delta 8 THC. The new trending compound has caught many wellness enthusiasts’ attention and has become the cannabis industry’s fastest-growing product.
Although delta 8 THC is a relatively new product, THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, isn’t new and might even be more popular than the famous CBD. THC is how marijuana gets consumers high — it’s the psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. Per federal law, only hemp-derived products with up to 0.3% THC are legal for selling and consumption. Unsurprisingly, hearing THC in wellness products makes many doubtful, but there are different THC variations, which vary with their chemical structure, and delta 8 THC is one of them.
The variations of THC include:
- THCa – Precursor and acidic form of THC
- Delta 9 THC, the famous THC responsible for causing marijuana’s high
- Delta 8 THC, a less psychoactive and much rarer cannabis compound than delta 9 THC
Delta 8 THC vs. Delta 9 THC
The main difference between delta 8 THC and delta 9 THC is their effects, chemical structure, and concentrations in the cannabis plant.
- Delta 8 and delta 9 THC have double bonds in their molecular chain, but their location is different; delta 8 THC has the double bond on the 8th carbon chain, while delta 9 THC has it on the 9th carbon chain.
- Delta 8 is less psychoactive than delta 9 THC.
- Delta 8 is much rarer in the cannabis plant; its concentrations reach only 1%, whereas delta 9 THC in marijuana goes up to 30%.
Related: Delta 8 THC VS. Delta 9 THC
Is Delta 8 THC Legal?
Although the federal law is clear about hemp-derived products and delta 9 THC, which remains illegal in many states, things can seem a bit confusing when it comes to delta 8 THC. The law doesn’t specifically include delta 8 THC, so you may wonder whether it’s legal to consume.
In short, yes, delta 8 THC is federally legal per the 2018 Farm Bill, which made all hemp-derived products with up to 0.3% delta 9 THC legal for purchase and consumption.
Even though delta 8 THC is federally legal, some states ban all tetrahydrocannabinol, regardless of their source. Therefore, delta 8 THC is not legal in all U.S states.
U.S. States where delta 8 THC is illegal are:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nevada
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Rhode Island
- Utah
- Washington
Delta 8 THC is legal in all other states when it derives from hemp and doesn’t contain more than 0.3% of delta 9 THC.
Is Delta 8 Natural or Synthetic?
Because of its production methods, many consumers have been asking whether delta 8 THC is a synthetic cannabinoid. Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of their own and are not naturally occurring in nature.
Delta 8 THC derives from the hemp plant: therefore, D8 is not synthetic.
Have you heard of K2 and spice? Then you already know a bit about synthetic cannabinoids. These human-made cannabinoids are similar to those in cannabis, but they are not safe due to their unpredictable nature. You’ll never know what to expect after consuming synthetic cannabinoids, and sometimes they might cause powerful mind-altering symptoms than natural psychoactive compounds like delta 9 THC.
These fake cannabinoids are illegal for selling, buying, and possession, and you should avoid consuming them as there might be dangerous health effects and can be fatal.
Delta 8 THC, on the other hand, occurs in minuscular concentrations in the cannabis plant, so acquiring usable amounts of the compounds is challenging.
Luckily, the similarity of the chemical structure of cannabinoids allows manufacturers to convert from one to another using a chemical reaction. Delta 8 THC is usually synthesized from cannabidiol (CBD) using a chemical process.
Conversion of one cannabinoid into another doesn’t make them synthetic. Delta 8 THC, regardless of production method, is a natural cannabinoid existent in marijuana and hemp, and it’s not artificial or human-made, and it still derives from the cannabis plant.
Learn More: How Is Delta 8 THC Made?
Where to Buy Delta 8 THC Gummies
Now that you are excited to jump on the bandwagon, you may start wondering where to acquire delta 8 THC gummies. Don’t make rash decisions, as hemp-derived products are pretty unregulated, and even if the labels claim to provide the highest quality products, that’s not always the case.
Many brands cut corners when it comes to the production of delta 8 THC gummies, so always shop from reputable brands that prove the quality of their products through third-party lab testing. If you don’t want to browse between hundreds of gummies brands available online, here are the top five we recommend for your delta 8 THC gummies.
1. Area 52
Get 15% off all Area 52 products. Use code “CFAH” at checkout.
Area 52 is a Nevada-based premium supplier of cannabis products specializing in delta 8 THC. Area 52 gummies are vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and low in sugar. Each potent gummy contains 25 mg of delta 8 THC, which is higher than the recommended dose for beginners, so split one gummy in half if you need to. Area 52 gummies are third-party lab tested so that you can know the product has no harmful ingredients.
2. Finest Labs
Finest Labs is another brand we trust and recommend due to high-standard production methods, quality, and third-party lab testing. The company offers vegan-friendly delta 8 THC gummies made from a vegan-friendly pectin base and flavored with a blend of 12 different terpenes.
Each delta 8 THC gummy features a standardized dose of 25 mg. Again, you can split the gummy in half at the beginning of your delta 8 THC journey until you familiarize yourself with its effects on your body and mind.
3. Everest
The Everest delta 8 THC gummies are perfect for consumers on a vegan diet as they are 100% vegan. Gummies come in a blue raspberry flavor and small blue square shapes. The Everest delta 8 gummies come from organic hemp, which is free from harmful elements like pesticides.
Each piece contains 20 mg of hemp-derived delta 8 THC, and third-party lab testing confirms the potency and pureness of the product.
4. Moonwlkr
Moonwlkr is amongst the top delta 8 THC brands due to the quality and variety of choices. The company evolved around the curiosity surrounding the new famous cannabis compound — delta 8 THC.
The brand experiments with new formulations and pushes the boundaries of possibilities of delta 8 THC, so their wide product assortment won’t leave anyone disappointed regardless of taste preferences.
Each Moonwlkr delta 8 THC gummy contains 12,5 mg of the compound, so it’s excellent for beginners who want to start with a smaller dose. Moonwlkr gummies are third-party lab tested, and you can see reports online to make sure to be acquiring the high-quality product.
5. Binoid
Binoid delta 8 THC vegan gummies come in three flavors — green apple, strawberry, and peach, so whether you like sweet and sour or just sweet bites, you’ll find gummies that won’t leave your taste buds disappointed.
The California-based brand has been in the industry since 2018 and formulated numerous hemp-derived products, including CBD, delta 8 THC, delta 10 THC, THC-O, THCV, and HHC.
Delta 8 THC gummies are broad-spectrum, meaning there’s not even a minuscular amount of delta 9 THC in them. Gummies are third-party lab tested for ingredients and possible contaminants.
6. Delta Extrax
Delta Extrax (formerly Delta Effex) is an industry leader in the “alt cannabinoid” space. Some of their products are questionably legal but made to a very high standard nonetheless.
This company offers delta 8 THC gummies with the standard 25 mg dose and a delicious blend of fruity flavors to back it up.
7. 3Chi
3Chi is one of the oldest companies in the delta 8 space. They offer several different versions of their delta 8 gummies and a host of other cannabinoid gummy products — including CBG gummies, delta 9 THC gummies (hemp-derived), and THC-O gummies.
The only issue with this brand is that they don’t always have complete third-party lab tests. Always check for the most recent testing from this brand before you buy to make sure it’s both present and shows passing results.
Key Takeaways: What Are the Effects of Delta 8 Gummies?
Delta 8 THC is increasingly popular, so it’s no wonder you want to try the famous hemp-derived compound. Nevertheless, getting started with a new ingredient always comes with many questions, with ‘how will it make me feel?’ being the primary one.
Delta 8 THC, like the famous THC in marijuana, delta 9, interacts with the human endocannabinoid system and its CB1 and CB2 receptors.
Still, its different chemical structure provides different outcomes and a smoother high, usually without the common side effects delta 9 THC has like anxiety, paranoia, and irritability.
Delta 8 THC in low doses is more energizing and uplifting, while it is more sedating and relaxing in higher amounts. Delta 8 THC is also psychoactive, but its psychoactive potency is estimated to be almost half of delta 9 THC.
We hope you feel more confident in getting started with delta 8 THC and can anticipate what to expect from the new famous cannabis compound and how to begin your delta 8 THC journey.
Have you already tried delta 8 THC gummies? Let us know how they made you feel in the comments below!
Reference Links:
- Lu, H. C., & Mackie, K. (2016). An introduction to the endogenous cannabinoid system. Biological psychiatry, 79(7), 516-525. (1)
- Sharma, P., Murthy, P., & Bharath, M. S. (2012). Chemistry, metabolism, and toxicology of cannabis: clinical implications. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 7(4), 149. (2)
- Russo, E. Guy, W. G., (2005) A tale of two cannabinoids: the therapeutic rationale for combining tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. (3)