Vaping Statistics: How Many People Vape in 2024?

Report Highlights
- 3.7% or 9.1 million American adults have used e-cigarettes in 2020 [7].
- E-cigarette use is higher in men at 4.6%, than in women at 2.8% [7].
- 7.6% of teens and 9.4% of young adults (18 to 24) use vapes and e-cigarettes, compared to 0.6% of adults above 65 years old [7] [22].
- Youth exposure to e-cigarette ads has increased from 69.3% in 2019 to 70.3% in 2021 [22] [59].
- 60.9% of teens say they tried e-cigarettes and vapes to see what it’s like [36].
- 68 out of 2,807 hospitalized vapers died from EVALI [39].
- The estimated number of e-cigarette users worldwide has increased from 21.3 million in 2012 to an estimated 68 million by 2020 based on 2018 data [26].
- 6.8% of e-cigarette users have at least one respiratory problem [61].
- The US vape market could increase to $9.64 billion and the global vape market to $28.17 billion in 2017 [14] [15].
- E-cigarette users have 5 times and dual users have 7 times higher risks of testing positive for the COVID-19 virus [16].
Cigarette use in the US have declined from 15.5% (37.8 million smokers) in 2016 to 13.7% (34.2 million smokers) in 2018 [9] [25]. But the same period also saw an increase in the number of people using e-cigarettes and other forms of smokeless tobacco products, especially among teenagers.
Read on to discover the current vaping facts and statistics in the US.
When Did Vape Become Popular in the US?
The e-cigarette was invented by Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, in 2003 as a means to help people quit smoking. The product entered the American market in the mid-2000s [24].
By 2009, 1.8% of American adults (25+ years) were already using e-cigarettes. This rose to 5.8% in 2011 but declined to 3.7% in 2015 [48].
Vapes and electronic cigarettes captured not only the interest of adults but minors as well.
By 2011, 0.6% and 1.5% of middle and high school students were already using e-cigarettes. This rose to 5.3% (middle schoolers) and 16% (high schoolers) in 2015, easily surpassing traditional cigarette use which was at 2.3% and 9.3%, respectively [52].
Is Vaping Increasing in Popularity in the US?
In 2011, 0.6% of middle school and 1.5% of high school students were current e-cigarette users. Their prevalence rates significantly increased in 2015 by 783.3% among middle schoolers at 5.3% and 966.7% among high schoolers at 16% [18] [19].
2016 saw a decline in both groups’ vaping rates at 4.3% (middle schoolers) and 11.3% (high schoolers) [18] [19]. However, the rates peaked once again in 2019 at 10.5% (middle schoolers) and 27.5% (high schoolers) [59].
As the pandemic spread across the US, a reduction in youth e-cigarette use was seen.
From 10.5% in 2019, the middle school students’ vaping rate decreased by 68.6% in 2022 to 3.3% [19] [59].
The same trend was seen among high school students. From 27.5% in 2019 to 14.1% in 2022, their vaping rate declined by 48.7% [18] [59].
Factors that could have influenced the decline in their vaping rates include:
- Policies and regulations set in place to curb their rapid rise
- The COVID-19 pandemic which limited their access to e-cigarettes
We’ve also seen the same trend among adults.
The 2012-2013 CDC report showed that 1.9% of adults (18 and over) were current e-cigarette users during that period [2]. From 2014 to 2018, the prevalence played between 2.8% and 3.7% before peaking in 2019 at 4.5% [8] [9] [43] [46] [50] [58].
As the pandemic spread across the country, the vaping rate among adults dropped by 17.8% to 3.7% in 2020 [7].
Changes in consumption methods among adult vapers may have contributed to this decrease. Because the virus primarily targets the lungs, adults switched from vapes to healthier options such as edibles, topicals, oils, and tinctures. Of the different age groups, only young adults (18 to 24) preferred vapes more than other consumption methods [53].
Worldwide Vaping Statistics
Global estimates show that there had been a 280.3% increase in vaping rates across the world. From 21.3 million e-cigarette users in 2012, the number of vapers worldwide has increased to 81.0 million in 2022 [26].
If the trend continues, we’ll see a 6.3% increase in just one year. By 2023, the population of e-cigarette users can reach as high as 86.1 million worldwide [26].
The high-income countries have the highest percentage of e-cigarette users. 29.3 million vapers live in high-income countries [26].
Upper middle-income countries follow at 19.0 million and lower middle-income countries at 7.8 million [26].
Low-income countries vape the least, with only 2.1 million of their population using vapes [26].
Of the different regions, the Americas has the most number of vapers at 18.7 million [26].
The European and Western Pacific regions follow with 15.3 million and 11.2 million, respectively [26].
The African region vapes the least, with only 4.1 million vapers [26].
The number of vapers may seem high, but regular tobacco smoking still takes the lead. In 2020, there were about 1.18 billion regular smokers versus 68 million e-cigarette users across the globe [11] [26]. The latter is only 5.8% of the world’s total smokers.
Why Do People Vape?
60.9% of teens vape or use e-cigarettes to experiment, says a 2019 survey [36]. They want to experience what vaping is like.
41.7% of them also vape because it tastes good, while 37.9% want to have fun and a good time with their friends [36].
29% say they vape to get high. 8.1% say they’re hooked, up from 3.6% in 2018 [36].
Adults’ reasons for vaping have shifted.
Before, their reasons centered more on curiosity, smoking cessation, and health. Let’s take a look at a 2013 survey on e-cigarette use among adults in Montana.
64% of adults used e-cigarettes out of curiosity. However, more than half of them (56%) used the product to quit or at least reduce their cigarette use [49].
More than half of them (52%) also used e-cigarettes because it’s less harmful than cigarette smoking [49].
43% started using e-cigarettes so as not to affect or disturb others with the smoke [49].
About 1 in 4 (23%) say they like the taste of electronic cigarettes, compared to regular cigarettes [49].
Now, adults are vaping more for ease of use, convenience, and social reasons.
A 2019 survey on vaping cannabis found that 44% of adults use vapes since it’s more convenient to use. 17% also say buying vapes is more convenient and easier to find [60].
34% say it’s a friend preference, and 17% say vapes make it easier to share with other people [60].
Of course, some also use vapes for health reasons.
29% say vaping is a healthier way to consume cannabis [60].
25% say vaping allows them to easily control their dosage [60].
20% say it reduces their symptoms without producing significant side effects [60].
Vaping Demographics — How Many People Vape in the US?
3.7% or 9.1 million American adults have used e-cigarettes in 2020 [7].
Vaping is highest among males at 4.6%, young adults (18 to 24) at 9.4%, non-Hispanic Whites at 4.2%, those with a GED certificate at 5.4%, and those whose annual income falls between $75,000 and $99,999 at 4.5%.
Vaping Statistics by Gender
4.6% of men use e-cigarettes. Among women, only 2.8% of their population vapes [7].
According to a study, men (86.1%) use e-cigs more to help them quit smoking, compared to women (81.1%). More women (37.1%) than men (26.7%) use e-cigs because of influence either from family or friends [44].
They also differ in their reasons for continuing to use vapes. More men (75.7%) than women (67.5%) vape because they enjoy it. However, more women (46.3%) than men (40.4%) vape to relieve stress or manage their mood [44].
Vaping Statistics by Age Group
9.4% of young adults between (18 to 24) use e-cigarettes. They’re the age group most affected by e-cigarettes [7].
People above 65 years vape the least. Only 0.6% of their population use e-cigarettes [7].
Compared to older adults, young adults see e-cigarettes as less harmful than cigarettes. They’re also the age group that’s the least interested in quitting e-cig use [6].
E-cigarette companies also target the youth through social media promotions, especially since 76% of them use social media platforms [56].
Vaping Statistics by Race
Vaping prevalence is highest among non-Hispanic American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and those who identify with multiple races or other single races at 7.8% [7].
Of the single races, non-Hispanic Whites vape the most, with 4.2% of their population using e-cigs [7].
Asians follow in second place with 3.4% [7].
Among Blacks, only 1.6% of their population vapes [7].
Smoking cessation contributes to the disparity. More non-Hispanic Whites use e-cigs to quit smoking than minority smokers [23].
Vaping Statistics by Education and Income Level
Vaping is highest among those with a GED certificate at 5.4%. It’s lowest among those with no diploma (0-12 years) at 1.4% [7].
4.5% of those who earn $75,000 to $99,999 yearly use e-cigarettes. The least affected group is those that earn more than $100,000 yearly. Only 3.2% of them use e-cigs [7].
Factors that affect vaping rates among the different groups include:
- Smoking status
- Beliefs and attitudes toward e-cigarette use
- Perceived harm in using e-cigarettes for smoking cessation
- Social norms of e-cigarette use
- Socioeconomic disparity
States with the Highest Rate of Vapers
Oklahoma has the highest rate of vapers in 2021 at 9.4% [35].
Kentucky follows at 9.3%. Alabama and Tennessee land in third place with 9.1% of their adult populations vaping or using e-cigarettes [35].
Maryland vapes the least, with only 4.5% of its population vaping. Massachusetts and New Hampshire come in second and third places at 4.7% and 4.9% [35].
This data came from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2021 e-cigarette use crude prevalence report.
Smoking and vaping state laws, their enactment dates, e-cigarette taxes, access to e-cigarettes, age requirements, and socioeconomic factors can affect a state’s prevalence rate.
How Many Teens Vape in the US?
7.6% or 2.06 million middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days [22].
E-cigarette use has the highest prevalence among females at 8.0%, compared to males at 7.1% [22].
9.6% of White, non-Hispanic students use e-cigarettes, compared to 4.3% of Black, non-Hispanic students [22].
32.3% or nearly 1 in 3 teens say they got their e-cigarettes from a friend [22].
53.7% or more than half of them favor disposable devices. 28.7% prefer prefilled or refillable devices, while 9.0% use mods or tank systems [22].
What Percent of High Schoolers Vape?
11.3% of high school students use vapes. This accounts for about 1.72 million of their population [22].
More females use vapes than male students.
11.9% of high school females use e-cigarettes, compared to 10.7% of high school males [22].
What Percent of Middle Schoolers Vape?
2.8% of middle schoolers vape. This is roughly 320,000 of their population [22].
Girls also use vapes more than boys.
3.2% of female middle schoolers use e-cigarettes than 2.3% of male middle schoolers [22].
What Percent of US College Students Use an Electronic Vaporizer?
In 2019, 14% of American college students used electronic vaporizers for marijuana in the past 30 days. This has increased by 169.2%, up from 2017’s 5.2% [51].
The percentage of college students vaping nicotine more than tripled. From 6.1% in 2017, it increased to 22% in 2019 [51].
There has also been a 118% increase in the percentage of non-college-attending peers vaping marijuana. From 7.8% in 2017, this rose to 17% in 2019 [51].
Non-college attending peers who vape nicotine also more than doubled — from 7.9% in 2017 to 18% in 2019 [51].
College males vape more than females.
15.9% of the male population vaped marijuana in the past 30 days, compared to 11% of females [51].
These data came from the National Survey Results on Drug Use (1975-2019). Their results showed that rate the of college students (ages between 19 and 30 years) using electronic vaporizers or e-cigarettes has increased. The same trend also occurs in non-college peers [51].
Reduced perception of marijuana’s risk of harm may have contributed to the rapid increase in vaping rates.
In 1991, 75% of college students believed regular marijuana is harmful [12].
By 2020, only 14.8% of them believe marijuana produces harmful effects [54]. Their perception of risk of harm has gradually declined over the years.
Vaping vs Smoking Demographics and Statistics
7.6% of middle and high school students prefer e-cigarettes, compared to 1.5% who prefer cigarettes [22].
Adults, on the other hand, prefer cigarettes to vapes. 12.5% of them smoke cigarettes and only 3.7% use e-cigarettes [7].
Among Adolescent Users
Among high school students, 11.3% of them prefer e-cigarettes, compared to 1.9% who prefer cigarettes [22].
2.8% of middle school students prefer e-cigarettes, compared to 1.0% who prefer cigarettes [22].
8.0% of female students and 7.1% of male students prefer e-cigarettes over 1.5% of female students and 1.5% of male students who prefer cigarettes [22].
30.7% of e-cigarette users started smoking within six months, compared to 8.1% of nonusers [37].
Cigarette Use Among Adolescent Users
In 2021, the prevalence rate of cigarette use dropped to 1% among middle school students and 1.9% among high school students [22].
There’s been a 71.4% (middle schoolers) and 86.4% (high schoolers) drop from 2012’s rate.
Cigarette use in 2012 used to be 3.5% among middle school students and 14% among high school students [5].
E-Cigarette Use Among Adolescent Users
However, e-cigarette use increased to 2.8% among middle school students and 11.3% among high school students in 2021 [22].
The rate increased by 154.5% (middle schoolers) and 303.6% (high schoolers) since 2012.
In 2012, e-cigarette use was only 1.1% of middle school students and 2.8% of high school students [5].
Among Adult Users
14.1% of men and 11% of women prefer regular cigarettes to 4.6% of men and 2.8% of women who use e-cigarettes [7].
14.1% of adults between 25 to 44 years old prefer regular cigarettes to 5.2% who prefer e-cigarettes [7].
9.4% of young adults 18 to 24 years old prefer vapes and e-cigarettes, compared to 7.4% who prefer smoking regular cigarettes [7].
Among adults between the ages of 45 and 64 years, 14.9% prefer conventional cigarettes compared to 2.2% who prefer e-cigarettes [7].
Among older adults (above 65 years old), 9.0% prefer cigarettes, compared to 0.6% who prefer e-cigarettes [7].
Cigarette Use Among Adult Users
Cigarette smoking among adults decreased by 30.6%.
From 18% in 2012-2013, it decreased to 12.5% in 2020 [2] [7].
E-Cigarette Use Among Adult Users
E-cigarettes, on the other hand, increased by 94.7%.
From 1.9% in 2012-2013, it’s now at 3.7% in 2020 [2] [7].
How Effective are Vaping Campaigns That Target the Youth?
In 2021, 70.3% of students have now been exposed to e-cigarette ads in stores, online, on TV, in newspapers, etc. This number is up from 69.3% in 2019 [22] [59].
73.5% of students have seen e-cigarette ads on social media platforms [22].
Constant exposure to e-cigarette ads may have reduced their perception of risk of harm from vapes.
In 2021, 16.6% of the students believe that intermittent use of e-cigarettes produces little to no harm [22]. This decreased from 2019’s 28.2% [59].
Increased availability, promotions, and ads contributed to the increase in access, sales, and use [13].
- In 2014, 72% of retailers sold e-cigarettes. By 2015, the percentage of retailers selling e-cigarettes increased to 79.2%.
- Only 11.9% of retailers offered price promotions in 2014. This increased to 20.2% in 2015.
- E-cigarette marketing costs also increased to $88 million in 2014, up from $12 million in 2011.
- In 2010, e-cigarette sales were at $11.6 million. It increased to $751.2 million in 2016.
- The sale of flavored e-cigarettes rose to 19.8% in 2016, up from 2.4% in 2012.
What Common Outlets Expose Youths to Vape Ads?
52.8% of middle schoolers and 56.3% of high schoolers saw e-cigarette ads from retail stores [37]. Retail stores expose youths to vape ads the most.
Internet ads follow in second place. 35.8% of middle schoolers and 42.9% of high schoolers saw online vape ads [37].
TVs and movies also expose youths to e-cigarette ads. 34.1% of middle schoolers and 38.4% of high schoolers saw vape ads on TV and in movies [37].
Some students also saw vape ads in newspapers and magazines. 25.0% of middle schoolers and 34.6% of high schoolers saw vape ads on these outlets [37].
7 out of 10 teens have been exposed to e-cigarette ads through these common outlets [37].
What Social Media Platforms Contribute the Most to Exposure to Vape Ads?
19% of nonsmokers regularly see e-cigarette ads on Facebook. 16% of them regularly see Instagram e-cigarette ads [16].
24% of nonsmokers have seen Facebook posts about e-cigarettes. 20% of them have seen Instagram e-cigarette posts [16].
Facebook contributes the most to vape ad exposure, compared to Instagram.
Other social media platforms that expose youths to e-cigarettes include Reddit, TikTok, and Snapchat [16] [30].
How Does Social Media Influence Vaping Among Youths?
23.7% of daily Twitter users currently vape [30].
Among the non-daily Twitter users, 21.3% of them currently vape. Of those who don’t use Twitter, only 13.1% of them currently vape [30].
The same trend can be seen among Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram users.
22.9% of daily Facebook users currently vape [30].
Among the non-daily Facebook users, 22.8% of them currently vape. Of those who don’t use Facebook, only 12.8% of them currently vape [30].
22.5% of daily Snapchat users currently vape [30].
Among the non-daily Snapchat users, 9.5% of them currently vape. Of those who don’t use Snapchat, only 4.1% of them currently vape [30].
20.6% of high school students who use Instagram daily currently vape [30].
Among the non-daily Instagram users, 11.9% of them currently vape. Of those who don’t use Instagram, only 6.1% of them currently vape [30].
Daily Instagram use increases the relative risk of experimental vape use by 76% and 51% for current vaping [30].
Non-daily Snapchat use increases the relative risk of experimental vape use by 57% and 87% for current vaping [30].
Non-daily use of Facebook and Twitter increases the relative risk of current vaping by 20% and 29% respectively [30].
How Do Adolescents Get Their Vapes and E-Cigarettes?
32.3% of adolescents say they got their vapes or e-cigarettes from a friend [22].
31.1% say they bought the products themselves, while 28.7% say they had someone buy them the product [22].
37.2% didn’t buy their vapes. 21.5% say they bought the products from another person [22].
22.2% say they bought it from vapes and tobacco shops and 17.7% from gas stations and convenience stores [22].
How Can Vaping Among Minors Be Addressed?
To combat the vaping epidemic among adolescents, the CDC has active campaigns against the use of any type of tobacco product [22].
- 75.2% of students know about these public education campaigns against tobacco.
- High school: 79.4%
- Middle school: 69.8%
- Recognition of these public education campaigns against tobacco was highest among male students at 78.3% than female students at 71.9%.
Other measures to reduce vaping among teens have also been added [16]:
- Changes in labeling, advertising, branding, and packaging have been implemented. These include placing nicotine addiction warning labels and using child-resistant packaging.
- The legal age to buy any type of tobacco product was raised to 21 years old. Retailers are also required to ask for valid IDs with photos from buyers under the age of 27 years.
- Online retailers are required to set up age verification processes for non-face-to-face sales.
- Free e-cigarette samples are now prohibited.
One of the reasons why youths use e-cigarettes is their wide variety of flavors.
82.9% of youth used flavored e-cigarettes in 2020 — 84.7% of high schoolers and 73.9% of middle schoolers [16].
As of this writing, seven states have now restricted the sale of flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes [16].
- Massachusetts
- California
- Maryland
- New Jersey
- Rhode Island
- New York
- Utah
Is Vaping Addictive?
Some vape or e-cigarette liquids contain nicotine or THC, both of which are addictive. However, 66% of teens believe that e-cigarettes contain only flavorings [37].
Only 13.2% say it has nicotine and 5.8% say it has marijuana [37].
13.7% of them don’t know what’s in their vape juice [37].
Young adult e-cigarette users are 4 times more likely to transition to regular tobacco cigarettes within 18 months, compared to peers of the same age who do not vape or use e-cigarettes [55].
The use of marijuana vape (30-day prevalence) among all groups has steadily increased.
- 8th graders: 1.6% in 2017, 2.6% in 2018, and 3.9% in 2019 [34]
- 10th graders: 4.3% in 2017, 7.0% in 2018, and 12.6% in 2019 [34]
- 12th graders: 5.0% in 2017, 7.5% in 2018, and 14.0% in 2019 [34]
- College students: 5.2% in 2017, 11% in 2018, and 14% in 2019 [51]
- Adults: 10.0% in 2017, 10.5% in 2018, and 13.4% in 2019 [3] [4]
Vaping Studies
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, traditional cigarettes contain about 7,000 chemicals [1].
E-cigarettes, they found, have about 2,000 chemicals and compounds. What’s worrisome is that most of them are still unidentified. These chemicals include [47]:
- Six potentially harmful substances
- Three industrial chemicals
- Two flavorings known to cause respiratory irritation
- Caffeine (maybe from coffee-flavored flavorings)
- Pesticide
We often think that vapes and e-cigarettes are less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they’re safe.
What Does Vaping Do to Your Lungs?
Between March 31, 2019 and February 15, 2020, 2,807 vapers were hospitalized due to e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI) [39].
Researchers found that it’s the vitamin E acetate additive found in e-cigarette and vape juices that caused the EVALI outbreak during this period. It increased lung water (surfactant) levels and caused lung inflammation.
Of the 2,807 hospitalized EVALI cases, 68 individuals perished [39].
According to studies, 96% of those who had EVALI required hospitalization. Of this percentage, 26% needed intubation [28].
Vaping also increases the risk of developing other lung problems.
A study following 21,618 American adults showed that e-cigarettes increased the risk of developing [61]:
- Asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Emphysema
In a follow-up study, researchers found that there had been new cases of chronic bronchitis in 948 vapers [61].
804 e-cig users developed asthma, while 573 users had COPD [61].
336 users also developed emphysema [61].
6.8% or 1,460 respondents of the same study reported at least one respiratory problem [61].
What Does Vaping Do to Your Heart?
Compared to nonusers, e-cigarette users have a 59% higher risk of developing myocardial infarction [17].
They also have a 40% higher risk of developing coronary heart disease [17].
Dual users have 36% higher odds of heart problems than those who only smoke cigarettes [41]. Dual users are those who smoke cigarettes and also use e-cigarettes.
Men less than 55 years old and women less than 65 years old who vape are more prone to premature heart diseases [41].
What Does Vaping Do to Your Brain?
E-cigarette users are 71% more likely to have a stroke, compared to nonusers [17].
Young adult dual users have a 191% higher odds of suffering from a stroke, compared to non-users. They also have a 83% higher odds of stroke, compared to those who only smoke cigarettes [42].
E-cigarettes also increase depression risk, says a study.
Former e-cigarette users have 60% higher odds of having had a clinical diagnosis of depression, compared to non-users. It increases to 110% higher odds if you're a current user [38].
The frequency of e-cigarette use also has an effect.
Daily use increases the odds by 139%, compared to non-users. Occasional use has an odds of 96%, compared to non-users [38].
What Does Vaping Do to Your Sleep?
Sleep deprivation also occurs in 47% of current e-cigarette users and 35% of former e-cigarette users [27].
Sleep deprivation is 42% more prevalent in everyday e-cigarette users than nonusers [27].
Former e-cigarette and vape users are 17% more likely to suffer from sleep deprivation, compared to non-users [27].
How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Vapers?
E-cigarette ever-users are 5 times more likely to get a COVID-19 diagnosis [20].
Being diagnosed with COVID-19 increases further among dual users. They are 7 times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 [20].
Cessation doesn’t prevent COVID-19 infection either. Past 30–day dual-users are also 4.7 times more likely to develop and experience COVID-19 symptoms [20].
Residing in states with high numbers of COVID-19 cases also increases infection risk. Individuals are 4.91 times more likely to get a COVID-19 diagnosis if they reside in a state with 11% to 20% COVID-19 cases [20].
States that have a higher number of vapers also have a higher number of COVID-19 infections and deaths, especially in the pandemic’s early weeks.
For every 1% increase in vaping prevalence rate, there’s also a 0.31-times increase in COVID-19 cases and a 0.37-times increase in COVID-19 deaths [31].
Vapers not only have a higher risk of catching the COVID-19 virus but experiencing symptoms as well.
49% of vapers who had COVID-19 had headaches, compared to 41% of non-vapers with COVID-19 [33].
Muscle pain occurred in 39% of vapers with COVID-19. Among non-vapers with COVID-19 only 32% of them reported this symptom [33].
Changes in smell and taste also occurred among vapers with COVID-19 more at 37%. Only 30% of non-vapers with COVID-19 complained of these symptoms [33].
16% of vapers with COVID-19 reported chest pain and tightness compared to 10% of non-vapers with COVID-19 [33].
People who vape or smoke are 15% more likely to be placed on mechanical ventilation [45].
They’re also 41% more likely to die from severe COVID-19 infection, compared to nonsmokers and non-vapers [45].
Compared to nonsmokers, they also have a 27% risk of suffering from a major cardiac event [45].
Vaping Death Statistics: Has Anyone Died from Vaping?
As of February 18, 2020, 68 out of 2,807 hospitalized vapers died from EVALI [39].
The median age of those who died from EVALI was 49.5 years, with ages ranging from 15 to 75 years [39].
Based on the CDC’s EVALI case report dated January 14, 2020, 66% out of 2,668 hospitalized EVALI patients were male [39].
EVALI affects young adults the most and those under 18 years old the least.
37% of the EVALI patients belong to the 18 to 24 years age group. 15% belong to those under 18 years old [39].
Vaping vs Smoking Health Risks
Dual users have a 36% higher risk of suffering from heart problems than conventional cigarette users [41].
They also have a 83% higher risk of stroke than conventional cigarette smokers [42].
Manufacturers market vapes and e-cigarettes as healthier and safer options than traditional cigarettes. However, they’re not risk-free.
- E-cigarettes containing vitamin E additives and THC increase the risk of EVALI [39].
- E-cigarettes also contain flavorings that have shown pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities [32].
- The vapors produced by e-cigarettes also irritate the lungs not only of the user but the people around him as well [32].
- E-cigarette users are 4 times more likely to switch to conventional cigarette use [55].
Vaping vs Smoking Safety
Both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes produce harmful byproducts that can irritate the lungs. However, one study did show that using e-cigarettes may be a safer option than smoking cigarettes [32].
- Tests detect more harmful compounds in the urine of dual users than in those who use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes only.
- Smoking cigarettes affects platelet function more than those who use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes only.
- Oxidative stress, vascular stiffness, blood pressure, lung edema, lung cell inflammation, and lung cell death occur more in cigarette smokers than in those who use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes only.
Vaping Cost Statistics: Is the Cost of Vaping vs Smoking Cheaper?
If you're smoking a pack a day, switching to vapes would allow you to save as much as 92% of your money [57].
Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day per year can cost you anywhere from $2,087.80 to as much as $5,091.75 [57].
Depending on how much you use, using e-cigarettes and vapes can cost you anywhere from as low as $387.75 to as high as $5,082.50 yearly [57].
However, this depends on many factors such as:
- Device
- E-juice
- Amount of consumption
- Vape usage
- Replacement costs
Expensive brands and e-juice increase your costs, of course, and so do your vape usage and consumption.
- The higher the wattage device is, the higher the cost.
- The more you use your vape device, the more you spend on replacement purchases.
In general, you get to save 30% to 76% when you use cig-a-likes than regular cigarettes. Costs can go up by 5% though if you vape three or more cartridges at $2 daily, compared to a $5.72 pack of cigarettes [57].
You save more when you use vaping pods. This allows you to save as much as 52% to 83% of the money that would have gone to cigarettes [57].
Vape pens or box mods allow you to save the most, up to 81%. However, these might cost you 17% more if you buy the more high-end vape pens or box mods [57].
How Big is the Vape Industry?
The US vape market revenue can reach $7.64 billion by the end of 2022 [14].
Globally, revenues can go as high as $22.95 billion as 2022 draws to an end [15].
How Big is the US Vape Market?
The e-cigarette market in the US can grow from $2.38 billion in 2014 to $7.64 billion as 2022 ends [14].
By 2027, revenues could balloon to $9.64 billion [14].
Compared to other countries, the US generated the most e-cigarette revenue. Market analysts also see the US e-cigarette market growing by 4.76% each year [14].
How Big is the Global Vape Market?
The global e-cigarette market can also increase from $7.76 billion in 2014 to $22.95 billion by the end of 2022 [15].
The market forecast shows that global e-cigarette revenue could increase to $28.17 billion by 2027 [15].
Trends also show that it can grow by 4.18% yearly [15].
Vaping and Smoking Cessation Statistics
Among adolescents who currently vape, 53.4% of them say they intend to quit the habit [10].
67.4% also say they have tried to quit [10].
Those who vaped out of curiosity have 40% higher odds of attempting to quit than those who disguise vaping as an everyday product. The latter not only had a 60% lower likelihood of intending to quit but a 30% lower likelihood of attempting to quit as well [10].
Interestingly, the intention to quit vaping is lower among females than males. They have a 30% lower odds of intending to quit than males [10].
One study showed that 50.6% of adolescent female vapers intend to quit, compared to 56.1% of males [10].
According to a study, females have a harder time quitting because [29]:
- They tend to use the product for weight control.
- They’re more sensitive to the olfactory and visual cues of smoking or vaping.
- They experience more mood changes when quitting.
In a 2021 report, the CDC also says that among youths [40]:
- 65.3% or about 2/3 of adolescent tobacco users think of quitting all tobacco products.
- 60.2% or 6/10 of adolescent tobacco users were able to go for a day or longer without any tobacco product since they’re trying to quit smoking.
As for adults, 68.0% wanted to quit smoking in 2015 [40].
In 2018, 55.1% of adult smokers attempted to quit. Only 7.5% or 3 in 40 adult smokers were able to quit smoking successfully [40].
In the same year, 61.7% or 3 in 5 adults who have ever smoked cigarettes have quit [40].
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a decline in the number of youths and young adults using e-cigarettes.
According to a study, 56.4% or 1,198 of 2,125 e-cigarette users changed their e-cigarette use [21].
Of this percentage, 67.7% of them either quit or decreased their intake, while 25.4% increased their use of marijuana and nicotine vapes [21].
6.9% only switched to other forms of tobacco products. These include lozenges, patches, and regular cigarettes [21].
The respondents did say that the COVID-19 pandemic limited their access to e-cigarettes and made it difficult for them to go to vape stores.
On Seeking and Receiving Treatment
Only 57.2% of adult smokers received smoking cessation advice from a healthcare professional [040].
31.2% or less than 1/3 of adult smokers underwent cessation counseling and took medications to help them quit smoking [40].
6.8% received smoking cessation counseling, and 29.0% received medications to quit smoking [40].
4.7% received both treatments [40].
Final Thoughts
The number of teens using cigarettes may have decreased, but e-cigarettes have taken their place.
Today, youths (middle and high school students) and young adults (18 to 24 years old) are the top e-cigarette users at 7.6% and 9.4% respectively. On the other hand, 12.5% of adults still prefer cigarettes compared to 3.7% who are vaping or using e-cigarettes [7] [23].
Vapes and e-cigarettes may contain nicotine and THC, both of which are highly addictive compounds and can cause health problems. If you're having a hard time quitting e-cigarettes and vapes and think you may have problems with nicotine addiction, we recommend seeing a healthcare professional who can help you kick the habit.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), and 1-800-487-4889
- National Alliance on Mental Illness:, 703-524-7600, and 888-999-6264
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